Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Definition's of Semantics:
  1. (Linguistics) of or relating to meaning or arising from distinctions between the meanings of different words or symbols.
  2. Semantic Knowledge: refers to the word labels that specify concepts and also to the semantic networks, or schemata (cognitive structures in our memory that organize our conceptual knowledge). 
  3. Of or relating to the meanings of words or phrases. 
What is Semantics? This Video will help you understand what Semantics is .

I believe that each part of language is important for not only our children to learn and know, but for us as well to know and understand the different parts of language.

"Children with larger and more developed vocabularies have more options for expressing what they want to say and, thus, have greater linguistic flexibility"( Otto, p.g. 7). 


*Label house objects with vocabulary words
* Use synonyms of words (Ex. Gigantic vs. Big)
*Talk about different words after reading with your child.


These resources can be used in a classroom setting, but parents can get a better understanding of semantics and how to do different activities with a child focusing on semantics. 

(My Resources for this blog)

Otto, B. (2014). Language development in early childhood education. (4th ed., pp. 6-7). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

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