Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Special Education and Language Development!

What is Special Education? 
Special Education is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.

It is important to recognize language development and around the times a child should be developing the different aspects of language. Not only is oral development important to watch, but so is a child's physical development as well. 

These links are resources for parents and professionals to use to understand what their child should be doing or almost doing at certain ages. This is a way to track your child's development. 
Various links that show the different ages of language and developments for children. 

This link is to help parents and caregivers to use. It provides various information about special education. 

Helpful Tips for Parents!

Friday, December 6, 2013


There are many ways to assess a child's learning. Teachers have many ways to assess a child's learning. We can use informal assessments and formal assessments to determine where our students learning is at. Parents and families can conduct assessments as well. 

What is an Assessment?
A Assessment is a way to measure the an individual's learning and growth and it is a way to document the learners knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Assessments can be used to measure individuals growth or a learning community (class/group). 

Different Types of Assessments:

Parents Tips, Resources and links about Assessment:

It is important to know that the more information a parent or family member can give about their child and their home life is helping a educator understand and learn more about how to teach your child. 

English Language Learners Helpful Information!

English Language Learners are learners who first language is not English. These students can come from various cultural backgrounds and can come from homes that speak many different languages. It is important to work on their language development not only in English, but in their native language as well. 

This video is about the importance of everyone involved in their ELL's life to get involved to help make a difference in their education. 

Parent Links, resources, and Tips: 

Pragmatic Knowledge!!!

Pragmatic Knowledge: Involves the knowledge or awareness of the overall intent of the communication and how the language is used to achieve that intent.  It is used in social situations especially. 

Video about Pragmatic Knowledge.

Parents Resources:

This link helps parents or caregivers help individuals use language in the correct way in social situations. 

This link is for helpful tips to expand pragmatic language at home.

Morphemic Knowledge (Morphemes)

What is a Morphemic Knowledge?
Morphemic Knowledge refers to the knowledge of word structure. 
What is a Morpheme?
A morpheme is a word composed of one or more meaningful linguistic units. The smallest unit of meaning in language is a morpheme. 

Two Types of Morphemes:
1. Free Morphemes: Examples of these would be, (house, turtle, book).
2. Bound Morphemes: Examples of these would be, (the final -S in houses and the -ing in going). 

Activities and resources for Parents: 

This link explains morphology and the importance it has in a child's literacy development. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Syntax! What is it and What do you need to know?

Syntax is the structure of sentences. Syntax is the order of words in a language. It is certain structural rules that sentences have to follow in order to make sense and flow. 

Parents can help just as easily as teachers can with syntax. Parents can correct children and their sentence structure by verbally saying the sentence the correct way. You do not need to tell the child they are incorrect, you just need to model the correct way. 

Here are helpful links to do so: